Search Results: "teo"

4 September 2017

Alessio Treglia: MeteoSurf: a free App for the Mediterranean Sea


MeteoSurf is a free multi-source weather forecasting App designed to provide wind and wave conditions of the Mediterranean Sea. It is an application for smartphones and tablets, built as a Progressive Web App able to supply detailed and updated maps and data showing heights of sea waves (and other information) in the Central Mediterranean. It is mainly targeted for surfers and wind-surfers but anyone who needs to know the sea conditions will take advantage from this app.

Data can be displayed as animated graphical maps, or as detailed table data. The maps refer to the whole Mediterranean Sea, while the table data is able to provide specific information for any of the major surf spots in the Med.

As of current version, MeteoSurf shows data collecting them from 3 different forecasting systems Read More [by Fabio Marzocca]

25 August 2017

Dirk Eddelbuettel: BH 1.65.0-1

The BH package on CRAN was updated today to version 1.65.0. BH provides a sizeable portion of the Boost C++ libraries as a set of template headers for use by R, possibly with Rcpp as well as other packages. This release upgrades the version of Boost to the rather new upstream version Boost 1.65.0 released earlier this week, and adds two new libraries: align and sort. I had started the upgrade process a few days ago under release 1.64.0. Rigorous checking of reverse dependencies showed that mvnfast needed a small change (which was trivial: just seeding the RNG prior to running tests), which Matteo did in no time with a fresh CRAN upload. rstan is needing a bit more work but should be ready real soon now and we are awaiting a new version. And once I switched to the just release Boost 1.65.0 it became apparent that Cyclops no longer needs its embedded copy of Boost iterator---and Marc already made that change with yet another fresh CRAN upload. It is a true pleasure to work in such a responsive and collaborative community.

Changes in version 1.65.0-1 (2017-08-24)
  • Upgraded to Boost 1.64 and then 1.65 installed directly from upstream source with several minor tweaks (as before)
  • Fourth tweak corrects a misplaced curly brace (see the Boost ublas GitHub repo and its issue #40)
  • Added Boost align (as requested in #32)
  • Added Boost sort (as requested in #35)
  • Added Boost multiprecision by fixing a script typo (as requested in #42)
  • Updated Travis CI support via newer

Via CRANberries, there is a diffstat report relative to the previous release. Comments and suggestions are welcome via the mailing list or the issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

24 August 2017

Michal Čihař: Taking over siphashc for Python

Since some time we're using siphash algorithm to speed up looking up strings in Weblate. Even though it is used by Python internally, it's not exposed in the standard library so several third party modules appeared in the PyPI. Out of all these siphashc or rather it's Python 3 fork siphashc3 seemed to perform best, so I've started to use that. However it turned out that none of them is in active maintenance anymore. The original version lacks Python 3 support, while the siphashc3 uses odd versioning which causes problems to some pip versions. After trying to get fix into siphashc3 without much of success, I've spoken to original author of siphashc and he has agreed to hand over maintainership to me. So it's new home is at and new release is already available on PyPI. Note: Originally we were using MD5 in Weblate, but siphash has shown to be faster and fits into 64-bits, what makes it easier to store and index in SQL databases as LONGINT.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate

11 August 2017

Michal Čihař: Weblate 2.16

Weblate 2.16 has been released today while I'm at DebConf17. There are quite some performance improvements (and more of that is scheduled for 2.17), new file formats support and various other improvements. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Turris, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate

4 August 2017

Michal Čihař: Changes to Docker container for Weblate

I've made several changes to the Weblate Docker container which are worth mentioning today. First of all if you are still using nijel/weblate, you should switch to weblate/weblate. They both currently share same configuration, but it might happen that some future updates will go to the weblate owned container only. Now back to the container changes. Since beginning we were using Django built in server. That's fine for development purposes, but it really doesn't work that well in production as it can handle only one request at time. Therefore we've switched to more robust approach using nginx + uwsgi + supervisor. Thanks to this, the docker-compose no longer needs separate nginx server as everything is now sanely handled within the weblate container itself.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate

20 July 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: Testing Our Theories About Eternal September

Graph of subscribers and moderators over time in /r/NoSleep. The image is taken from our 2016 CHI paper.
Last year at CHI 2016, my research group published a qualitative study examining the effects of a large influx of newcomers to the /r/nosleep online community in Reddit. Our study began with the observation that most research on sustained waves of newcomers focuses on the destructive effect of newcomers and frequently invokes Usenet s infamous Eternal September. Our qualitative study argued that the /r/nosleep community managed its surge of newcomers gracefully through strategic preparation by moderators, technological systems to reign in on norm violations, and a shared sense of protecting the community s immersive environment among participants. We are thrilled that, less a year after the publication of our study, Zhiyuan Jerry Lin and a group of researchers at Stanford have published a quantitative test of our study s findings! Lin analyzed 45 million comments and upvote patterns from 10 Reddit communities that a massive inundation of newcomers like the one we studied on /r/nosleep. Lin s group found that these communities retained their quality despite a slight dip in its initial growth period. Our team discussed doing a quantitative study like Lin s at some length and our paper ends with a lament that our findings merely reflected, propositions for testing in future work. Lin s study provides exactly such a test! Lin et al. s results suggest that our qualitative findings generalize and that sustained influx of newcomers need not doom a community to a descent into an Eternal September. Through strong moderation and the use of a voting system, the subreddits analyzed by Lin appear to retain their identities despite the surge of new users. There are always limits to research projects work quantitative and qualitative. We think the Lin s paper compliments ours beautifully, we are excited that Lin built on our work, and we re thrilled that our propositions seem to have held up! This blog post was written with Charlie Kiene. Our paper about /r/nosleep, written with Charlie Kiene and Andr s Monroy-Hern ndez, was published in the Proceedings of CHI 2016 and is released as open access. Lin s paper was published in the Proceedings of ICWSM 2017 and is also available online.

30 June 2017

Michal Čihař: Weblate 2.15

Weblate 2.15 has been released today. It is slightly behind schedule what was mostly caused by my vacation. As with 2.14, there are quite a lot of security improvements based on reports we got from HackerOne program and various new features. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Turris, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate

27 June 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: Learning to Code in One s Own Language

I recently published a paper with Sayamindu Dasgupta that provides evidence in support of the idea that kids can learn to code more quickly when they are programming in their own language. Millions of young people from around the world are learning to code. Often, during their learning experiences, these youth are using visual block-based programming languages like Scratch, App Inventor, and Studio. In block-based programming languages, coders manipulate visual, snap-together blocks that represent code constructs instead of textual symbols and commands that are found in more traditional programming languages. The textual symbols used in nearly all non-block-based programming languages are drawn from English consider if statements and for loops for common examples. Keywords in block-based languages, on the other hand, are often translated into different human languages. For example, depending on the language preference of the user, an identical set of computing instructions in Scratch can be represented in many different human languages:
Examples of a short piece of Scratch code shown in four different human languages: English, Italian, Norwegian Bokm l, and German.
Although my research with Sayamindu Dasgupta focuses on learning, both Sayamindu and I worked on local language technologies before coming back to academia. As a result, we were both interested in how the increasing translation of programming languages might be making it easier for non-English speaking kids to learn to code. After all, a large body of education research has shown that early-stage education is more effective when instruction is in the language that the learner speaks at home. Based on this research, we hypothesized that children learning to code with block-based programming languages translated to their mother-tongues will have better learning outcomes than children using the blocks in English. We sought to test this hypothesis in Scratch, an informal learning community built around a block-based programming language. We were helped by the fact that Scratch is translated into many languages and has a large number of learners from around the world. To measure learning, we built on some of our our own previous work and looked at learners cumulative block repertoires similar to a code vocabulary. By observing a learner s cumulative block repertoire over time, we can measure how quickly their code vocabulary is growing. Using this data, we compared the rate of growth of cumulative block repertoire between learners from non-English speaking countries using Scratch in English to learners from the same countries using Scratch in their local language. To identify non-English speakers, we considered Scratch users who reported themselves as coming from five primarily non-English speaking countries: Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Germany, and Norway. We chose these five countries because they each have one very widely spoken language that is not English and because Scratch is almost fully translated into that language. Even after controlling for a number of factors like social engagement on the Scratch website, user productivity, and time spent on projects, we found that learners from these countries who use Scratch in their local language have a higher rate of cumulative block repertoire growth than their counterparts using Scratch in English. This faster growth was despite having a lower initial block repertoire. The graph below visualizes our results for two prototypical learners who start with the same initial block repertoire: one learner who uses the English interface, and a second learner who uses their native language.
Summary of the results of our model for two prototypical individuals.
Our results are in line with what theories of education have to say about learning in one s own language. Our findings also represent good news for designers of block-based programming languages who have spent considerable amounts of effort in making their programming languages translatable. It s also good news for the volunteers who have spent many hours translating blocks and user interfaces. Although we find support for our hypothesis, we should stress that our findings are both limited and incomplete. For example, because we focus on estimating the differences between Scratch learners, our comparisons are between kids who all managed to successfully use Scratch. Before Scratch was translated, kids with little working knowledge of English or the Latin script might not have been able to use Scratch at all. Because of translation, many of these children are now able to learn to code.
This blog post and the work that it describes is a collaborative project with Sayamindu Dasgupta. Sayamindu also published a very similar version of the blog post in several places. Our paper is open access and you can read it here. The paper was published in the proceedings of the ACM Learning @ Scale Conference. We also recently gave a talk about this work at the International Communication Association s annual conference. We received support and feedback from members of the Scratch team at MIT (especially Mitch Resnick and Natalie Rusk), as well as from Nathan TeBlunthuis at the University of Washington. Financial support came from the US National Science Foundation.

18 June 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: The Community Data Science Collective Dataverse

I m pleased to announce the Community Data Science Collective Dataverse. Our dataverse is an archival repository for datasets created by the Community Data Science Collective. The dataverse won t replace work that collective members have been doing for years to document and distribute data from our research. What we hope it will do is get our data like our published manuscripts into the hands of folks in the forever business. Over the past few years, the Community Data Science Collective has published several papers where an important part of the contribution is a dataset. These include: Recently, we ve also begun producing replication datasets to go alongside our empirical papers. So far, this includes: In the case of each of the first groups of papers where the dataset was a part of the contribution, we uploaded code and data to a website we ve created. Of course, even if we do a wonderful job of keeping these websites maintained over time, eventually, our research group will cease to exist. When that happens, the data will eventually disappear as well. The text of our papers will be maintained long after we re gone in the journal or conference proceedings publisher s archival storage and in our universities institutional archives. But what about the data? Since the data is a core part perhaps the core part of the contribution of these papers, the data should be archived permanently as well. Toward that end, our group has created a dataverse. Our dataverse is a repository within the Harvard Dataverse where we have been uploading archival copies of datasets over the last six months. All five of the papers described above are uploaded already. The Scratch dataset, due to access control restrictions, isn t listed on the main page but it s online on the site. Moving forward, we ll be populating this new datasets we create as well as replication datasets for our future empirical papers. We re currently preparing several more. The primary point of the CDSC Dataverse is not to provide you with way to get our data although you re certainly welcome to use it that way and it might help make some of it more discoverable. The websites we ve created (like for the ones for redirects and for page protection) will continue to exist and be maintained. The Dataverse is insurance for if, and when, those websites go down to ensure that our data will still be accessible.
This post was also published on the Community Data Science Collective blog.

11 June 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: The Wikipedia Adventure

I recently finished a paper that presents a novel social computing system called the Wikipedia Adventure. The system was a gamified tutorial for new Wikipedia editors. Working with the tutorial creators, we conducted both a survey of its users and a randomized field experiment testing its effectiveness in encouraging subsequent contributions. We found that although users loved it, it did not affect subsequent participation rates.
Start screen for the Wikipedia Adventure.
A major concern that many online communities face is how to attract and retain new contributors. Despite it s success, Wikipedia is no different. In fact, researchers have shown that after experiencing a massive initial surge in activity, the number of active editors on Wikipedia has been in slow decline since 2007.
The number of active, registered editors ( 5 edits per month) to Wikipedia over time. From Halfaker, Geiger, and Morgan 2012.
Research has attributed a large part of this decline to the hostile environment that newcomers experience when begin contributing. New editors often attempt to make contributions which are subsequently reverted by more experienced editors for not following Wikipedia s increasingly long list of rules and guidelines for effective participation. This problem has led many researchers and Wikipedians to wonder how to more effectively onboard newcomers to the community. How do you ensure that new editors Wikipedia quickly gain the knowledge they need in order to make contributions that are in line with community norms? To this end, Jake Orlowitz and Jonathan Morgan from the Wikimedia Foundation worked with a team of Wikipedians to create a structured, interactive tutorial called The Wikipedia Adventure. The idea behind this system was that new editors would be invited to use it shortly after creating a new account on Wikipedia, and it would provide a step-by-step overview of the basics of editing.

The Wikipedia Adventure was designed to address issues that new editors frequently encountered while learning how to contribute to Wikipedia. It is structured into different missions that guide users through various aspects of participation on Wikipedia, including how to communicate with other editors, how to cite sources, and how to ensure that edits present a neutral point of view. The sequence of the missions gives newbies an overview of what they need to know instead of having to figure everything out themselves. Additionally, the theme and tone of the tutorial sought to engage new users, rather than just redirecting them to the troves of policy pages. Those who play the tutorial receive automated badges on their user page for every mission they complete. This signals to veteran editors that the user is acting in good-faith by attempting to learn the norms of Wikipedia.

An example of a badge that a user receives after demonstrating the skills to communicate with other users on Wikipedia.
Once the system was built, we were interested in knowing whether people enjoyed using it and found it helpful. So we conducted a survey asking editors who played the Wikipedia Adventure a number of questions about its design and educational effectiveness. Overall, we found that users had a very favorable opinion of the system and found it useful.
Survey responses about how users felt about TWA.
Survey responses about what users learned through TWA.
We were heartened by these results. We d sought to build an orientation system that was engaging and educational, and our survey responses suggested that we succeeded on that front. This led us to ask the question could an intervention like the Wikipedia Adventure help reverse the trend of a declining editor base on Wikipedia? In particular, would exposing new editors to the Wikipedia Adventure lead them to make more contributions to the community? To find out, we conducted a field experiment on a population of new editors on Wikipedia. We identified 1,967 newly created accounts that passed a basic test of making good-faith edits. We then randomly invited 1,751 of these users via their talk page to play the Wikipedia Adventure. The rest were sent no invitation. Out of those who were invited, 386 completed at least some portion of the tutorial. We were interested in knowing whether those we invited to play the tutorial (our treatment group) and those we didn t (our control group) contributed differently in the first six months after they created accounts on Wikipedia. Specifically, we wanted to know whether there was a difference in the total number of edits they made to Wikipedia, the number of edits they made to talk pages, and the average quality of their edits as measured by content persistence. We conducted two kinds of analyses on our dataset. First, we estimated the effect of inviting users to play the Wikipedia Adventure on our three outcomes of interest. Second, we estimated the effect of playing the Wikipedia Adventure, conditional on having been invited to do so, on those same outcomes. To our surprise, we found that in both cases there were no significant effects on any of the outcomes of interest. Being invited to play the Wikipedia Adventure therefore had no effect on new users volume of participation either on Wikipedia in general, or on talk pages specifically, nor did it have any effect on the average quality of edits made by the users in our study. Despite the very positive feedback that the system received in the survey evaluation stage, it did not produce a significant change in newcomer contribution behavior. We concluded that the system by itself could not reverse the trend of newcomer attrition on Wikipedia. Why would a system that was received so positively ultimately produce no aggregate effect on newcomer participation? We ve identified a few possible reasons. One is that perhaps a tutorial by itself would not be sufficient to counter hostile behavior that newcomers might experience from experienced editors. Indeed, the friendly, welcoming tone of the Wikipedia Adventure might contrast with strongly worded messages that new editors receive from veteran editors or bots. Another explanation might be that users enjoyed playing the Wikipedia Adventure, but did not enjoy editing Wikipedia. After all, the two activities draw on different kinds of motivations. Finally, the system required new users to choose to play the tutorial. Maybe people who chose to play would have gone on to edit in similar ways without the tutorial. Ultimately, this work shows us the importance of testing systems outside of lab studies. The Wikipedia Adventure was built by community members to address known gaps in the onboarding process, and our survey showed that users responded well to its design. While it would have been easy to declare victory at that stage, the field deployment study painted a different picture. Systems like the Wikipedia Adventure may inform the design of future orientation systems. That said, more profound changes to the interface or modes of interaction between editors might also be needed to increase contributions from newcomers.

This blog post, and the open access paper that it describes, is a collaborative project with Sneha Narayan, Jake Orlowitz, Jonathan Morgan, and Aaron Shaw. Financial support came from the US National Science Foundation (grants IIS-1617129 and IIS-1617468), Northwestern University, and the University of Washington. We also published all the data and code necessary to reproduce our analysis in a repository in the Harvard Dataverse. Sneha posted the material in this blog post over on the Community Data Science Collective Blog.

9 June 2017

Petter Reinholdtsen: Release 0.1.1 of free software archive system Nikita announced

I am very happy to report that the Nikita Noark 5 core project tagged its second release today. The free software solution is an implementation of the Norwegian archive standard Noark 5 used by government offices in Norway. These were the changes in version 0.1.1 since version 0.1.0 (from If this sound interesting to you, please contact us on IRC (#nikita on or email (nikita-noark mailing list).

24 May 2017

Michal Čihař: Weblate 2.14.1

Weblate 2.14.1 has been released today. It is bugfix release fixing possible migration issues, search results navigation and some minor security issues. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Turris, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate

19 May 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: Children s Perspectives on Critical Data Literacies

Last week, we presented a new paper that describes how children are thinking through some of the implications of new forms of data collection and analysis. The presentation was given at the ACM CHI conference in Denver last week and the paper is open access and online. Over the last couple years, we ve worked on a large project to support children in doing and not just learning about data science. We built a system, Scratch Community Blocks, that allows the 18 million users of the Scratch online community to write their own computer programs in Scratch of course to analyze data about their own learning and social interactions. An example of one of those programs to find how many of one s follower in Scratch are not from the United States is shown below. Last year, we deployed Scratch Community Blocks to 2,500 active Scratch users who, over a period of several months, used the system to create more than 1,600 projects. As children used the system, Samantha Hautea, a student in UW s Communication Leadership program, led a group of us in an online ethnography. We visited the projects children were creating and sharing. We followed the forums where users discussed the blocks. We read comment threads left on projects. We combined Samantha s detailed field notes with the text of comments and forum posts, with ethnographic interviews of several users, and with notes from two in-person workshops. We used a technique called grounded theory to analyze these data. What we found surprised us. We expected children to reflect on being challenged by and hopefully overcoming the technical parts of doing data science. Although we certainly saw this happen, what emerged much more strongly from our analysis was detailed discussion among children about the social implications of data collection and analysis. In our analysis, we grouped children s comments into five major themes that represented what we called critical data literacies. These literacies reflect things that children felt were important implications of social media data collection and analysis. First, children reflected on the way that programmatic access to data even data that was technically public introduced privacy concerns. One user described the ability to analyze data as, creepy , but at the same time, very cool. Children expressed concern that programmatic access to data could lead to stalking and suggested that the system should ask for permission. Second, children recognized that data analysis requires skepticism and interpretation. For example, Scratch Community Blocks introduced a bug where the block that returned data about followers included users with disabled accounts. One user, in an interview described to us how he managed to figure out the inconsistency:

At one point the follower blocks, it said I have slightly more followers than I do. And, that was kind of confusing when I was trying to make the project. [ ] I pulled up a second [browser] tab and compared the [data from Scratch Community Blocks and the data in my profile]. Third, children discussed the hidden assumptions and decisions that drive the construction of metrics. For example, the number of views received for each project in Scratch is counted using an algorithm that tries to minimize the impact of gaming the system (similar to, for example, Youtube). As children started to build programs with data, they started to uncover and speculate about the decisions behind metrics. For example, they guessed that the view count might only include unique views and that view counts may include users who do not have accounts on the website. Fourth, children building projects with Scratch Community Blocks realized that an algorithm driven by social data may cause certain users to be excluded. For example, a 13-year-old expressed concern that the system could be used to exclude users with few social connections saying:

I love these new Scratch Blocks! However I did notice that they could be used to exclude new Scratchers or Scratchers with not a lot of followers by using a code: like this:
when flag clicked
if then user s followers < 300
stop all.
I do not think this a big problem as it would be easy to remove this code but I did just want to bring this to your attention in case this not what you would want the blocks to be used for.
Fifth, children were concerned about the possibility that measurement might distort the Scratch community s values. While giving feedback on the new system, a user expressed concern that by making it easier to measure and compare followers, the system could elevate popularity over creativity, collaboration, and respect as a marker of success in Scratch.

I think this was a great idea! I am just a bit worried that people will make these projects and take it the wrong way, saying that followers are the most important thing in on Scratch. Kids conversations around Scratch Community Blocks are good news for educators who are starting to think about how to engage young learners in thinking critically about the implications of data. Although no kid using Scratch Community Blocks discussed each of the five literacies described above, the themes reflect starting points for educators designing ways to engage kids in thinking critically about data. Our work shows that if children are given opportunities to actively engage and build with social and behavioral data, they might not only learn how to do data analysis, but also reflect on its implications.

This blog-post and the work that it describes is a collaborative project by Samantha Hautea, Sayamindu Dasgupta, and Benjamin Mako Hill. We have also received support and feedback from members of the Scratch team at MIT (especially Mitch Resnick and Natalie Rusk), as well as from Hal Abelson from MIT CSAIL. Financial support came from the US National Science Foundation.

17 May 2017

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Weblate 2.14

Weblate 2.14 has been released today slightly ahead of the schedule. There are quite a lot of security improvements based on reports we got from HackerOne program, API extensions and other minor improvements. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Turris, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate

9 May 2017

Benjamin Mako Hill: Surviving an Eternal September: How an Online Community Managed a Surge of Newcomers

Attracting newcomers is among the most widely studied problems in online community research. However, with all the attention paid to challenge of getting new users, much less research has studied the flip side of that coin: large influxes of newcomers can pose major problems as well! The most widely known example of problems caused by an influx of newcomers into an online community occurred in Usenet. Every September, new university students connecting to the Internet for the first time would wreak havoc in the Usenet discussion forums. When AOL connected its users to the Usenet in 1994, it disrupted the community for so long that it became widely known as The September that never ended . Our study considered a similar influx in NoSleep an online community within Reddit where writers share original horror stories and readers comment and vote on them. With strict rules requiring that all members of the community suspend disbelief, NoSleep thrives off the fact that readers experience an immersive storytelling environment. Breaking the rules is as easy as questioning the truth of someone s story. Socializing newcomers represents a major challenge for NoSleep.
Number of subscribers and moderators on /r/NoSleep over time.
On May 7th, 2014, NoSleep became a default subreddit i.e., every new user to Reddit automatically joined NoSleep. After gradually accumulating roughly 240,000 members from 2010 to 2014, the NoSleep community grew to over 2 million subscribers in a year. That said, NoSleep appeared to largely hold things together. This reflects the major question that motivated our study: How did NoSleep withstand such a massive influx of newcomers without enduring their own Eternal September? To answer this question, we interviewed a number of NoSleep participants, writers, moderators, and admins. After transcribing, coding, and analyzing the results, we proposed that NoSleep survived because of three inter-connected systems that helped protect the community s norms and overall immersive environment. First, there was a strong and organized team of moderators who enforced the rules no matter what. They recruited new moderators knowing the community s population was going to surge. They utilized a private subreddit for NoSleep s staff. They were able to socialize and educate new moderators effectively. Although issuing sanctions against community members was often difficult, our interviewees explained that NoSleep s moderators were deeply committed and largely uncompromising. That commitment resonates within the second system that protected NoSleep: regulation by normal community members. From our interviews, we found that the participants felt a shared sense of community that motivated them both to socialize newcomers themselves as well as to report inappropriate comments and downvote people who violate the community s norms. Finally, we found that the technological systems protected the community as well. For instance, post-throttling was instituted to limit the frequency at which a writer could post their stories. Additionally, Reddit s Automoderator , a programmable AI bot, was used to issue sanctions against obvious norm violators while running in the background. Participants also pointed to the tools available to them the report feature and voting system in particular to explain how easy it was for them to report and regulate the community s disruptors.

This blog post was written with Charlie Kiene. The paper and work this post describes is collaborative work with Charlie Kiene and Andr s Monroy-Hern ndez. The paper was published in the Proceedings of CHI 2016 and is released as open access so anyone can read the entire paper here. A version of this post was published on the Community Data Science Collective blog.

13 April 2017

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Weblate 2.13.1

Weblate 2.13.1 has been released quickly after 2.13. It fixes few minor issues and possible upgrade problem. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English SUSE Weblate 0 comments

12 April 2017

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Weblate 2.13

Weblate 2.13 has been released today pretty much on the schedule. The most important change being more fine grained access control and some smaller UI improvements. There are other new features and bug fixes as well. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English Gammu phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 0 comments

19 March 2017

Petter Reinholdtsen: Free software archive system Nikita now able to store documents

The Nikita Noark 5 core project is implementing the Norwegian standard for keeping an electronic archive of government documents. The Noark 5 standard document the requirement for data systems used by the archives in the Norwegian government, and the Noark 5 web interface specification document a REST web service for storing, searching and retrieving documents and metadata in such archive. I've been involved in the project since a few weeks before Christmas, when the Norwegian Unix User Group announced it supported the project. I believe this is an important project, and hope it can make it possible for the government archives in the future to use free software to keep the archives we citizens depend on. But as I do not hold such archive myself, personally my first use case is to store and analyse public mail journal metadata published from the government. I find it useful to have a clear use case in mind when developing, to make sure the system scratches one of my itches. If you would like to help make sure there is a free software alternatives for the archives, please join our IRC channel (#nikita on and the project mailing list. When I got involved, the web service could store metadata about documents. But a few weeks ago, a new milestone was reached when it became possible to store full text documents too. Yesterday, I completed an implementation of a command line tool archive-pdf to upload a PDF file to the archive using this API. The tool is very simple at the moment, and find existing fonds, series and files while asking the user to select which one to use if more than one exist. Once a file is identified, the PDF is associated with the file and uploaded, using the title extracted from the PDF itself. The process is fairly similar to visiting the archive, opening a cabinet, locating a file and storing a piece of paper in the archive. Here is a test run directly after populating the database with test data using our API tester:
~/src//noark5-tester$ ./archive-pdf mangelmelding/mangler.pdf
using arkiv: Title of the test fonds created 2017-03-18T23:49:32.103446
using arkivdel: Title of the test series created 2017-03-18T23:49:32.103446
 0 - Title of the test case file created 2017-03-18T23:49:32.103446
 1 - Title of the test file created 2017-03-18T23:49:32.103446
Select which mappe you want (or search term): 0
Uploading mangelmelding/mangler.pdf
  PDF title: Mangler i spesifikasjonsdokumentet for NOARK 5 Tjenestegrensesnitt
  File 2017/1: Title of the test case file created 2017-03-18T23:49:32.103446
You can see here how the fonds (arkiv) and serie (arkivdel) only had one option, while the user need to choose which file (mappe) to use among the two created by the API tester. The archive-pdf tool can be found in the git repository for the API tester. In the project, I have been mostly working on the API tester so far, while getting to know the code base. The API tester currently use the HATEOAS links to traverse the entire exposed service API and verify that the exposed operations and objects match the specification, as well as trying to create objects holding metadata and uploading a simple XML file to store. The tester has proved very useful for finding flaws in our implementation, as well as flaws in the reference site and the specification. The test document I uploaded is a summary of all the specification defects we have collected so far while implementing the web service. There are several unclear and conflicting parts of the specification, and we have started writing down the questions we get from implementing it. We use a format inspired by how The Austin Group collect defect reports for the POSIX standard with their instructions for the MANTIS defect tracker system, in lack of an official way to structure defect reports for Noark 5 (our first submitted defect report was a request for a procedure for submitting defect reports :). The Nikita project is implemented using Java and Spring, and is fairly easy to get up and running using Docker containers for those that want to test the current code base. The API tester is implemented in Python.

13 March 2017

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Weblate users survey

Weblate is growing quite well in last months, but sometimes it's development is really driven by people who complain instead of following some roadmap with higher goals. I think it's time to change it at least a little bit. In order to get broader feedback I've sent out short survey to active project owners in Hosted Weblate week ago. I've decided to target at smaller audience for now, though publicly open survey might follow later (but it's always harder to evaluate feedback across different user groups). Overall feelings were really positive, most people find Weblate better than other similar services they have used. This is really something I like to hear :-). Weblate overall experience Weblate compared with other tools But the most important part for me was where users want to see improvements. This somehow matches my expectation that we really should improve the user interface. Weblate future development We have quite a lot features, which are really hidden in the user interface. Also interface for some of the features is far from being intuitive. This all probably comes from the fact that we really don't have anybody experienced with creating user interfaces right now. It's time to find somebody who will help us. In case you are able to help or know somebody who might be interested in helping, please get in touch. Weblate is free software, but this can still be paid job. Last part of the survey was focused on some particular features, but the outcome was not as clear as I hoped for as almost all feature group attracted about same attention (with one exception being extending the API, which was not really wanted by most of the users). Overall I think doing some survey like this is useful and I will certainly repeat it (probably yearly or so), to see where we're moving and what our users want. Having feedback from users is important for every project and this seemed to worked quite well. Anyway if you have further feedback, don't hesitate to use our issue tracker at GitHub or contact me directly.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 0 comments

3 March 2017

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Weblate 2.12

Weblate 2.12 has been released today, few days behind schedule. It brings improved screenshots management, better search and replace features or improved import. Many of the new features were already announced in previous post, where you can find more details about them. Full list of changes: If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions. You can find more information about Weblate on, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Aptoide, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects. Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure. Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin SUSE Weblate 0 comments

